What I Learned from 365 Outfits
Let me share my takeaways with you about what I learned from 365 outfits. 2022 proved to be the year to get out of a rut – clothing wise that is. Ever find yourself wearing the same articles of clothing over and over? I am not sure who to credit but I remember hearing or reading that you utilize only 20% of the items in your closet. I believe that.
1. I learned to evaluate my closet.
When wanting to get out of the rut of wearing the same clothes over and over, I needed to take stock of what I owned. Evaluating each piece of clothing in your closet allows you to determine if you still like the item or if the item still fits. Eliminating unloved or outgrown items gives you an accurate view of what you are working with.
Once you have only items you love and fit in your closet, you are able to shop for any items that might fill in any gaps in your wardrobe.
2. I learned to take a picture of myself in each outfit.
Part of me feels like taking a selfie is prideful or ostentatious; however, the pictures themselves allowed me to see what my body actually looked like in the outfits I picked. I highly recommend getting a full length mirror. You can even purchase a cheap mirror from Target or Walmart – the point is to allow yourself to view your outfit in its entirety.
Some pictures I snapped allowed me to see what outfits were not a good fit for me and I could then get rid of the ill-fitting piece or match it with a better article of clothing.

3. I learned to follow accounts that had similar body styles and/or outfit inspiration.
To create 365 different outfits, I needed to tap into any creativity or inspiration I could find. Thankfully Instagram provides inspiration at your fingertips. Over the course of the year, I found a variety of women I enjoyed following because either their body types matched mine or they gave wonderful outfit ideas. I absolutely fell in love with the fact that I could follow a plethora of body sizes. Not any one body type/size provided all of my outfit inspo! The fun was in the variety 🙂
Here are a few of my favorite accounts to follow (you may find all accounts on Instagram):
While I do not see a career in the modeling industry, I am grateful for the 2022 year and the goal of wearing 365 different outfits. I did not achieve absolute perfection on my goal but I learned a lot along the way! If outfit choice is not your ideal topic, you can always check out some of our home projects like this one.

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