A Year in Review: A look at my 2024 Resolutions
If you are handing out a pass or fail grade on my 2024 Resolutions, I’m afraid you would give me a failing grade. I did not complete the two resolutions I made from 2024, but I did learn from them. Here is what I learned.
My 2024 Resolutions
My resolutions for 2024 were pretty straight forward: 1. Run a 5k and 2. Write 52 blog posts. While I did not achieve either, there are definitely lessons I am taking away from the experience. You can read about all my hopes and excitement for the 2024 year in my January 2024 blog post.
It’s okay to change course.
In my mind, I was going to take 2024 and learn to run 3.1 miles in its entirity. I was an athlete in high school. Heck! I even played intramural sports in college. But something has transpired in me over the last 24 years of settling down and raising babies – I became more stagnite instead of active. There have been periods of time where I have attempted 5ks only to end up run/walking them instead of running them. While I did participate in a local 5k, there was an “ah-ha” moment for me in my preparation – I don’t enjoy this.

In the midst of my struggle to make the time to train for running, a neighbor invited me to walk with her and another neighbor at 5:00 each morning. 5:00 in the morning??? You will never mistake me for a morning girl. However, the invitation answered a prayer of mine to make more friendship connections and it revealed to me that I could be active (we walk 3 miles 1-4 times a week) and not feel like I was dying each time! My course changed from running to walking and I am so happy with the outcome. This is an activity that I have been sticking with.
You can fail forward.
My second resolution: write 52 blog posts afforded me the opportunity to fail beautifully. What does that mean to fail beautifully? I consider it beautiful because I learned so much this year in trying to increase my blog activity. While I only posted 29 out of 52 blog posts this year, I discovered that this is almost triple the amount of posts I have made annually over the last three years! That is quite the improvement.
This failure has only encouraged me to keep going, keep trying, keep learning. There is so much more I can improve upon!
And while you are looking at my year in review, feel free to check out some other 2024 recaps here from the blog, Corporette. Let me know – how did your 2024 go? What does your year in review look like?
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