How to Raise Kids to be a Part of a Whole
While kids are a wonderful addition to the family, effort must be given to raise kids to become successful adults. Successful adults that are capable of functioning well as a member of society. Reaching way back to when mine were little, I’m sharing how to raise kids to be a part of a whole.
An Instagram follower asked me to share how I am able to get my children involved in helping around the house. This request prompted contemplation as to what strategies I incorporated in having my kids participate in household chores and household life in general.
Help Clean Up
Cleaning up after one’s self is a lifelong skill. There is no harm in talking with your little ones from day one about picking up after you are finished with whatever item/items you are using. The added bonus is talking through your activity. Talking while moving through your actions builds language for your children. As children age, sing “Clean Up, Clean Up” (from the Barney show) or any other similar song to encourage your children to clean. As you clean up, have your children put away items with you as well. You are the model for appropriate action.

Create Responsibility Charts
Pinterest offers a variety of ideas on when and how to start utilizing chore charts. I like to call them responsibilities. An age-appropriate chore chart gives kids visual cues on how to help out around the house. I have a variety of pins on my Kids Crafts board, you can check out some chore ideas here.
My husband and I even give some money for each chore completed. The amount is not a lot but enough to put a little spending money in our kids’ pockets. From this money, we have taught the 10/10/80 approach. 10% to God, 10% to savings, and 80% to spend as you choose.
Teach the Belief of Family
In addition to using chores and allowance as a motivator for our kids to participate in helping with the household, my husband and I have been very intentional about the belief of family. What do I mean by this? From an early age, we share and discuss with our children the importance of taking care of our family. Thus, each member of our family has an important role to help the whole unit. Some tasks and responsibilities are not compensated. They are performed simply for the good of the family. As parents, we determine what tasks and responsibilities need to be completed for the well being of the entire household. It is important for kids to learn that not every responsibility is going to receive a paycheck and it is important to follow the guidelines that mom and dad have established.
There are some great resources available for assisting with raising your children. I encourage you to find an older woman in your church that you admire or feel like she has a good handle on her family life. Follow her example, become a part of her Life Group, or ask for her guidance. Here is another great resource I like – Raising Girls and Boys.
By sharing what my family has done to have our children become involved in the household responsibilities, this does not mean we have it all together. My biggest area of weakness is consistency. Being consistent with requiring my children to follow through with their responsibilities is always going to be a struggle for me.
While not perfect, I am willing to share all that is going on in The Helms House here. I hope you will follow along and interact with me by letting me know what you like or have questions about. Raising kids to be successful adults is challenging, rewarding work.
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