Finding Balance: Tips for Juggling Work, Family, and Personal Time
Finding balance in work, family, and personal time will always be a challenge. There can be tips implemented to help bring the scales to a balanced position. Read along as I offer my tips for juggling work, family, and personal time.
Boundaries in work provide guidance for how to not allow it to consume your entire life. Currently, I am implementing specific work hours. Working on my own allows for a lot of flexibility which is an attractive feature of my work; however, this feature also provides opportunities for me to put off doing necessary tasks. Setting specific work hours makes sure that I not only get my work done but that my job does not interfere with my family and personal time.
A good planner/calendar keeps my life on track. This article shares a variety of cool planners. I cannot function without my organizers. A full month calendar view and a day to day calendar view with provided lines for notes is a must. Below is a picture of the same brand planner that I have for the current year. The shown planner is for the 2024-2025 year.
This planner is the same brand as my current planner. *As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commission from any eligible links.* Family
My family is the most important aspect of my life; however, my family, like yours is growing and with that growth will come seasons that will look differently than my current one. Why do I share that? Because how I serve my family now will not look the same in 5 or 10 years. Just as how I served my family 5 or 10 years ago is different. There needs to be a balance in how I serve my family and how I create space for myself.
As overstated as this is – dinnertime really is the best time for me to lay eyes on my family and to hear about what is going on in their lives. Having a weekly meal plan in place, helps keep dinnertime on a positive track. I recently shared some ideas for meal planning, here.
In addition to natural conversations that take place around the dinner table, a visual aid for the family to track our activities is an asset. Currently, we have a dry-erase calendar established upstairs where my kids’ rooms are located. In the future, I would love to have one of the Hearth Display calendars in our home – its organization is next level!
Check out the Hearth Display account to see this neat family organizational tool. Personal Time
Is personal time an oxymoron as a mom? I will definitely be the first to say that personal time as a whole has evolved for me over the course of my marriage and time as a mother. As a new mom, I’m not sure how much personal time existed for me because my focus was my family and home. While I still focus on both of those areas, I have realized as my children grow into becoming young adults, creating space for me to be individually me is important. My identity as a mom will take a big hit when my kids have moved out of our home into their own lives.
Questions I ask myself that help me curate personal time are: do I, myself, enjoy this activity? Is this an area of growth I would like to explore? Will this event/activity help develop me as a person? Does this activity bring me joy or peace which in turn benefits those around me that I have a relationship with?
Two self-help tips I would offer: write in a journal and invest in a counselor. Journal writing doesn’t have to be daily but getting your own thoughts down on paper, help with keeping a balanced life. Spending time in therapy is beneficial to ALL – I do not care who tells you different. Do not know where to start on a counselor? Ask a trusted friend whom you know receives counseling on who they would reccommend. A counselor can also help you navigate this work/family/personal time balance.
Hopefully I have provided enough tips to help you find the balance needed in your life. Please share which tips you like most. I would love to hear from you!